Monday, January 12, 2009


On Friday after work Alan and I took off to Pinetop for the night so Alan could get some snowboarding in before school starts back up next week. I probably wouldn't have gone along being that I obviously can't ski or attempt snowboarding until the end of June but I wanted to spend some time together away before school too and it was nice to be in the snow! I also went along cause last year in June some of the family went to Canyon Lake to ski and wakeboard and Alan totally ruptured his pec major doing his crazy stunts on the wakeboard, so I wanted to make sure he would be okay and not do anything too crazy! Alan has needed an MRI and surgery for the last couple of months on his shoulder but REFUSES so when he mentioned snowboarding I made him a deal that if he went snowboarding and RISKED his bad arm he would then make an Appt for an MRI as soon as we returned home. Appt is Monday the 19th! :) Thanks babe!


Anonymous said...

Hurray for the appt.!!! We do not want the daddy-to-be unable to pick up his bundle of joy when it arrives in June. Thanks, Alan, your mom-in-law worries about you,too!

Megan said...

HOw fun! I'm so jealous! James promised me a weekend in a cabin for my bday, but he's so busy at work, that he can't leave. I hope the snow doesn't melt before we get there!