Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Baby Appt #2

Yesterday Alan and I went to our second Baby Appt. start, my sister Sarah always rents a Baby Heartbeat Doppler when she is pregnant (you know, the same thing the Doctors use to hear the heartbeat at your appts) so Alan and I, of course, jumped on that ordering as soon as we knew we could hear the baby's heartbeat. So for the last couple of weeks Alan and I will use our Doppler at home to hear the baby's heartbeat and let me tell you, we are pros at finding it now! So yesterday at our appt the Doc was trying to find the heartbeat with the same kind of Doppler but she was waaay to high, but I wasn't going to tell her that since she's the Doc and I didn't want her to think I was trying to tell her how to do her job or anything! After a few minutes of no success (Side Note: If we didn't have a Doppler and known that the baby was fine, I probably would have been hyperventilating at this point) she decides to get none only than the ultrasound machine! Yeah! So lucky Alan and I got to see baby again and watch its little heartbeat tick away. It was super cool being that we got to see the baby kicking and moving around this time! Everything looks to be going along as planned and healthy. We have our 2D Ultrasound on the 29th that we are getting so anxious for to hear that everything is healthy and find out if Baby is an Alan or Alice!


Lindsay said...

2 ultrasounds already!? Oh my gosh how fun!! Yay for baby Fletcher!!

Johnson said...

Thats funny! Congradulations again. It's so much fun going through all the prego steps. How have you been feeling?

Megan said...

Wow - you get to find out this month?? Where did the time go? How exciting! That's hilarious you rented a Doppler. I love ultrasounds! Dr Beck has a machine in all his rooms (not sure abt the other docs) so it's just an arms reach away! :)

The Baum Family said...

Hey it was nice running into you at Monster Jam. We have not seen you in forever. I didn't even know you were pregnant. Congratulations! I'm going to add you to my blog so I can keep up with you guys. Good Luck with everything.