Monday, January 28, 2008

Monster Jam

Everytime a commercial for Monster Jam comes on the T.V. I get to hear Alan reminisce about his childhood and how much fun he had going every year. So this year for Christmas I decided it was about time to let Alan re-live those memories and got us tickets to Monster Jam. I didn't really know what to expect being that I have never been before, I knew it was a bunch of big trucks smashing cars, but I never though it would be so entertaining!

When we arrived....well, first the back story...We were discussing going one night and Sarah/Leah got whim of the adventure and also bought tickets even though we didn't all get to sit together. So we arrive there as a group and everyone finds their own seats, I'm waiting for Alan hanging out with Carl looking at T-Shirts for Imi with Gravedigger plastered all over them. (Imi is a BIG fan, probably as much as his Uncle Alan) Carl finally decides to spend the money to get Imi a really cool, really over-priced looking Gravedigger shirt. I KNOW without a doubt Imi will LOVE this shirt! (In fact, when he finally got it after the show, he told Leah "Ohhh! I'll wear it tomorrow Mom!" It was too funny!) So, I'm thinking standing there, how awesome it is that Carl really wanted to get Imi this shirt because of how excited he knew he would be, regardless of the cost, but also grateful I'm not having to spend any money on over-priced shirts UNTIL my husband arrives. What was I thinking? I'm married to the BIGGEST kid of them all! So needless to say, Uncle Alan and Imi have matching Gravedigger T-shirts to wear together and BOTH of them were way overly excited to have them!

It wasn't over yet though, after we sat down in our seats Alan talked about getting nachos even though we had just eaten dinner so I convinced him to ice cream. After watching the show and getting to see huge trucks fly all over the place smashing cars and flipping over, I have to say, all the stories Alan told about Monster Jam were totally true. It was a blast!

Alan made me promise to post a video of Gravedigger on our website, so if you're interested it's there along with some fun pictures.



Megan said...

How fun! Porter would have loved to go. When was it?

Anonymous said...

Yup Uncle Alan and Imi are two of a kind!! Monster trucks, wow.

Anonymous said...

Megan- It was Saturday. I'm sure Port would have loved it! We should all go next year, Alan and I are planning on it!

Megan said...

Yah! No kidding. I remember you saying you got that for Christmas for him. I didn't know everyone was going. He would totally love it. He's such a boy.