Tuesday, March 9, 2010

And it begins...

Here is Chad today trying his best at crawling. He actually does a little better than this but as you can tell his little legs don't stay to well in the jammies!

And of course...some more pictures of our 8 month old. I cannot believe how time flies!

Chad's likes:

  • Pears! and Squash! (Our child has to eat his fruit first then goes to veggie, I know most kids are opposite, but I think he likes the sweet to bland instead of vice versa)
  • Screaming! (And when I say screaming, I don't mean crying, I mean like LOUD happy screams and yelling)
  • Rolling/Crawling everywhere! (he has places to go every second of the day!)
  • Spoons and his toothbrush (actually anything that goes INTO his mouth, Alan isn't a big fan of the toothbrush, he thinks its nasty BUT Chad loves it on his gums, so Chad wins) :)
  • The light on the fan! (everytime we walk under it, he reaches up to grab the string hanging down and pulls to turn the light on, then off...and repeat...)
  • Giggling! (He is SO happy and such a great boy. He laughs at almost everything, especially if you get him right under his arm.)

He is so fun right now at this age, in the morning when he wakes up I can always guarantee a smile once he sees me and it starts my day off right.


Lindsay said...

Seriously - I love that little Chadder. He is growing up WAY too fast - NO MORE CHAD!!! :)

grandma b said...

Thank you, thank you!!! I will look at them over and over again. I love all the pictures but the seat one with the big eyes steals my heart!