Monday, August 25, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Since Nursing School starts for me on Thursday, Alan and I decided to take a trip together this last weekend before I get swamped in school, and what better place to visit but home to California to spend a weekend with my parents! We left Thursday after work and got into Cali late night and my parents had a "Good Luck Alice" cake and balloons waiting for our arrival! :) It was really sweet!
On Friday we hung around by the house, and went to dinner and a movie and then Saturday we went down to Redondo Beach for some crab! When I was little we used to go down there as a family and eat crab so it was exciting to take Alan there to share in the fun!
You actually get to pick your live crab and they steam them right there, so they are super fresh when you eat them! I'm not a crab fan but Alan LOVED it and so does my dad!

We had such a great time with my parents in Cali we didn't want to come home! Thanks Dad and Mom for such a WONDERFUL weekend! We love you!


Megan said...

How fun!! We haven't been to Cali since Thanksgiving! I think we are due for a trip. Thursday? Seriously? How did that happen so fast? :) Exciting!!!

Anonymous said...

We loved having you too, sweetheart. And we think that husband of yours is mighty fine! Love you, Alan. You too, Beepers! Go! Go! Nursing school.

Lindsay said...

Is there anyone sweeter than your mom & dad! Logan saw the picture of Glen and started yelling "PAPA!!"