Monday, June 23, 2008

Canyon Lake

This past weekend we were able to get away with the Porter Family to Canyon Lake. We had a great time boating, skiing, wakeboarding and tubing. Coley got up on the ski and all the kids actually tried to do it. Jake wanted to ski too so he tried and didnt let go of the rope when he fell! We had a great time! I have a lot of pictures of Alan wakeboarding. I'll post them later after I get them off Dan's camera.
The Porter Clan minus Jessica
Jessica and Dan
Coley Skiing all by himself!
The Troublemakers!
Hyrum gettin some rays!
Brock and Brianna tubing!


Anonymous said...

Love those pictures! Yes, Canyon Lake looks like a great place to go and close! Definitely next year.Will be perfect for the families to come out when they can and not to have to drive so far. So family ,start putting the third or fourth week of june aside for next year!!!

Megan said...

How fun! I'm sad we couldn't make it. We thought about coming up Friday - Porter wants to go camping again, but we had too much going on last weekend.

Unknown said...

Looks like tons of fun!!! Jessi is getting so big!