Friday, March 28, 2008

Tagged by Lindsay

Things I've come to realize.....

1. I've come to realize that my family....

is the most important thing in this whole world!

2. I've come to realize that when i talk....

I try to think about it before my mouth does it for me!

3. I've come to realize that i need....

to sleep this weekend so my husband can have a "happy" Alice :)

4. I've come to realize that i have lost....

46 pounds! (that's the only thing I could think of with the word "lost" in it)

5. I've come to realize that I hate it when...

Alan's out of town

6. I've come to realize that when I'm hungry I....

can't concentrate on anything I'm doing

7. I've come to realize that money....

never lasts!

8. I've come to realize that people....

are who they are and you have to love them for that

9. I've come to realize I'll always be...

learning something everyday

10. I've come to realize that I'm in love with...

my wonderful husband (although I didnt just realize that)

11. I've come to realize that my cell phone is...

my best friend, I dont know what I did before having it!

12. I've come to realize that when I woke up this morning...

it was friday and I have a swim party to go to after work! (for cole and Jess bday)

13. I've come to realize that right before I go to sleep at night...

I have to run through my house in my head (did I turn the stove off -even if I didn't cook, lock the back door, turn the lights off, etc., etc.)

14. I've come to realize that right now I'm thinking about...

the pups outside, did I give them food this morning?

15. I've come to realize that babies...

are why I live in AZ because without my nieces and nephews, I'd be lost!

16. I've come to realize that when I blog...

I waste time when I should be doing more important things!

17. I've come to realize that today i will...

hopefully get to bed early

18. I've come to realize that tonight I will...

sleep like a rock

19. I've come to realize tomorrow I will...

be able to relax, but I need to help Alan finish cleaning.

20. I've come to realize that I really want to...

start working as a nurse already

21. I've come to realize everyone I tag to do this will....

hopefully post it and give me something to read!


Unknown said...

I like sleep too Aya! :)

Megan said...

Cute answers....I'll try this when I've had some sleep and can think straight.

Anonymous said...

I,ve come to realize that my youngest child is not a child, but a woman who is wise beyond her years and who I totally respect and honor for who she has become!