Friday, June 3, 2011

Swim Lessons!

Before I was married and had Chad I would always take my sister Sarah's kidders to swim lessons at Celeste 's house each summer. Never did I imagine taking our son one day! Alan took Chad to his first swim lesson on Tuesday while Mom worked.

Everytime we ask Chad "Do you want to go swimming?" He automatically assumes it's with his cousin Jessica at Aunt Sarah's house and gets excited. Little did he know this was a different kind of swimming! :)

Excited for swimming!

and once he figured it out...Yep, not a huge fan!
Celeste very nicely called Chad "strong and stubborn." Pretty much sums my kiddo up!
Wonder where he got that from?....
Kick Kick Kick! (while crying)Yesterday was round two and this time mommy got to go! The minute we walked in the backyard the water works started, but after a couple minutes he stopped and had a great time! So proud of our bugger! I was so busy watching him I forgot to take pictures, but I did manage to get this one of him "diving" at the very end of class.

Yay for swim lessons!


Leah said...

Thanks ....almost like being there...keep up the pictures. Once Chad gets the hang of whats going will be all over. You will have to watch him because he will think he can do it anytime....what a boy

grandma b said...

Sorry, Leah did not write that. I use her acct as you can tell

Megan said...

Love swimming lessons and Celeste!