Friday, May 27, 2011

Creating Memories

We took a trip to one of our favorite places early last week, the phoenix children's museum. Chad always has such a fun time there. It's perfect for his age and they even have a room dedicated to 3yo and younger where he can run wild and he does just that!

We also took a trip to Rainforest Cafe at AZ Mills. Chad recently is all about animals and sounds so we were super excited to show him all the animals there and eat lunch.

and playing outside with Daddy!


Megan said...

My kids love that place too! Can't wait to go back with just Carson though and go at his speed. Last time we were going Porter speed. :)

grandma b said...

Hurray! I got on the comment page.....Loved the pictures. Now put some swimming ones up from Mr. "I won't do it"