Monday, July 14, 2008

Weekend Happenings....

This weekend was a relaxing one for Alan and I. Saturday we spent the day over at James and Megan's house (without Megan and the kidders :( WE MISSED U!) swimming in the pool and having a BBQ. Normally by now the water in pools are like warm baths and not so refreshing anymore, but their pool was just the right temp! Nice and cool for a warm day!

Logan, David and Lindsay

Aunt Alice and Isaac
Everyone!! Cade, Leah and James
James had some music playing and Logan was dancing around in circles and it was hilarious! I only caught the very end on video but it was too cute not to post!

Then Saturday night Alan and I were coming home from a movie late when we pulled into our subdivision to find the whole thing was flooded! There was water pouring into our subdivision fast and wasnt stopping anytime soon, so Alan went to the corner of the street to ask a cop directing traffic for some kind of help and nothing, then he called HOA and no answer, then he called Rural Metro and no help, we couldnt get anyone to help! So the next morning it was still flooding everywhere and finally around 1-2pm the next day the city or someone got help and stopped the flooding but our subdivision was still flooded everywhere! I guess the story I hear is a farmer accidentally hit the dam that holds the water from the Gila River and it was pouring out everywhere. The houses on the other side of our subdivision got the worst with backyards being flooded and everything. If only someone was around and willing to help the night before they probably could have avoided a lot of damage! They stopped the flooding yesterday but the road to our subdivision is still closed and our retenion is so full of water!
Our street from our driveway
The retention flooding into the streets
the retetion (cant even see the grass anymore!)

1 comment:

Megan said...

I can't believe James had a party without us! But I'm glad you all kept him company! :) I'm still laughing about that. Looks like fun!