Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Our trip to Utah

The day after Christmas Dan and Sarah with the kiddos, Leah and her boys and us drove up to Midway and spent a week playing in the snow and exploring Utah.  It was Alan's first time ever being to Utah and we had an amazing time getting to spend time with family and enjoy a white winter for a week!
The first day we were there we went into Salt Lake and walked around the temple square and ate at the Garden Room overlooking the temple...

 We also went to the old conference center...
and took a tour of the new one.

and we got to see the temple lights!
We did ALOT of sledding with cousins, which Chad LOVED!

We went to this really cool ice castle and walked through it while the kiddos broke off icicles to eat!

We stopped by BYU and explored the bookstore (can you spot the Y?)
And went skiing at Sundance (Chad's first time and he did AMAZING!)

On our last day we went bowling with the family and relaxed!

We had a GREAT TIME! (Even with the eleven hour drive there and back!)

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Oh my goodness, I love the pictures. Looks like such a fun time!!