Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter!

Even though Mommy was sick with Pneumonia, we managed to have an AWESOME Easter! Alan and Chad went to church in the morning while I slept to get better. Our church is at 8am and because I didn't get home till 5am that morning from the ER we decided to have the Easter Bunny come after nap time. Chad was beyond excited! He loved his Easter basket! We did an egg hunt for Chad in the backyard (don't mind the weeds, we are busy!). I told Alan to hide them easy since it was his first time and he's a little guy. When we told him to get his basket and he saw the first egg outside he was OFF! Let me just say, next year, maybe not so easy. :)

He loved it!
Had to take his eggs on a bike ride!

Yum! Candy!


Tyler and Kendyl said...

I'm sorry you've been so sick! I hope you get to feeling better soon. Scary stuff!

Chad looks like he had a blast! How fun!

grandma b said...

Glad I looked...didn't know I'd find pictures of Easter. Very cute !