Saturday, July 10, 2010


Here's what we've been up to lately!
Last week we found ourselves in the ER with a little guy who was running a temp of 103.7 on Motrin. I started to worry when he stopped putting out wet diapers and wasn't drinking ANY fluids that the ER was the best way to go before he got super dehydrated. I figured we'd go in, get some antibiotics, maybe an IV for a couple hours and go home. WRONG. Apparently our buddy was running too high of a WBC count to let go home and needed to be monitored overnight with IV fluids and antibiotics. Of course all kinds of test were run to "rule out" major problems as to why his WBC was high. In this process a chest x-ray was taken and we were told Chad had a nodule on his lung that needed to be looked further into. I'm sorry? a what? Right. So blood was drawn to run tests for Valley Fever, because this normally can cause a nodule on a lung. It was a looong night to say the least. My brother James stopped by and he and Alan gave Chad a beautiful blessing. (Thanks James!) Lots and lots of prayers were offered for Chad that night. I have alot of giving back to my Heavenly Father. :) In the morning the Doc asked if it would be okay to get another chest x-ray because he was hoping the radiologist that read the results was over protective and it was his bones lying in a weird position or just a bad x-ray. After a long wait, we got the results. NORMAL. Once again the power of prayer came through. We are continually blessed and have our Heavenly Father to thank for that. My testimony grows stronger and stronger each day, it seems like I cannot give enough thanks or gratitude to our Heavenly Father for the blessing we continue to receive.
We were able to leave that night after Chad's temp got under control and his antibiotics finished and he has been back to himself since, with all his craziness!
Once he started feeling better we took him around the floor in a wagon which he loved. He kept waving at the staff saying "Ayyyyy!" (Bye)
Big cheese!Chad loves to play in the island cabinet which holds our pots and pans. Normally this is a pretty loud process, but today as I was writing some bills at the table it got quiet. I went to check him and this is what I found....
I love this child.


Jill said...

Oh how scary! Glad everything came out okay and you survived your first child to the hospital trip!! We used to let ours play in the tupperware cabinet! love the pic of him sitting in the pot!!

grandma b said...

What a character....I love that child,too......

Megan said...
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Megan said...

Yay for answered prayers! So glad that everything turned out ok. Love you guys!