Saturday, November 14, 2009

Will you marry me?

This morning I woke up to a pic message from Alan with this picture and a text under it that said "Morning! Will you marry me? 143"

When Alan proposed their was a rainbow in the sky, he says that's how he knew it was the right time and day and he was doing what he was supposed to be doing.

Coincidentally, the day we left the hospital with our new baby Chad and drove home there was also a rainbow in the sky, believe it or not. So rainbows around our home are pretty special.

On another note, my LAST final is Monday. Alan's mom took Chad all day yesterday so I could study and she is again tomorrow after church (Thanks Kim!). I am having serious anxiety about passing this test, not cuz I think its impossible just cuz I feel like so much is riding on it. I mean I will be DONE with Nursing School if I can get past this final Monday. I really wish today was Tuesday and I was done and passed already! :) Of course I still have preceptorship till Dec (which I got at Gateway in OB...YEAH!) and then I officially graduate on Dec 9 and after that's over I have to take the Boards to actually work and get a license but at least NO MORE SCHOOL, and tests and silly projects and notecards, man, I hate notecards.

So contingent on me passing this Monday, this was a conversation between Alan and I last night:

Me: know what I want for graduation?

Alan: Nope, but I can only imagine.

Me: I want a gift certificate to get my hair done, a gift certificate to get my nails done, a gift certificate to get my eyebrows done...(being that Ive slacked on these areas due to my business and I just want to feel human again)

Alan: Oh really, how about I just give you the credit card?

Yep, that will work for me! Thanks husband! :)


codyandkristiboretsky said...

That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard! Good luck on your exams! I know you'll do great!

mom said...

My dear sweet girl...I know you are feeling very anxious cuz you are so close to the finish line. Study as you always have this last year and a half and ask Heavenly Father to help you be calm and he will guide you through the test. Dad and I are truly amazed at what you have accomplished this last year and a half including our beautiful grandson who you had as you continued non stop through nursing school!!!!!! By the way, your rainbow comments made me tear up. Alan is quite a guy and you two are certainly made for each other. Rainbows,WOW!

Leah said...

GOOD LUCK seester:) Call me for a girls only day!!!

Tyler and Kendyl said...

You'll do amazing on your test, you've worked so hard and totally deserve it!

Can I just say SAWEET to Alan letting you take the credit card LOL, thats awesome! Get a massage while you're at it :)

Megan said...

Grats on passing your test! ~James