Saturday, June 20, 2009

He's made a home...

With one week left Chad has decided to make a home in my tummy, no signs of anything yet! We had an ultrasound on Tuesday this week and he is already weighing 7lbs 8 oz, which means to a pregnant lady, time to arrive! :) Our ultrasound tech was super nice and tried to get a good 3D of his face but he is so squished in there she had a hard time, but she did manage this cute one below! We are getting so excited, I'm trying to do as much school work as possible so when he's finally arrives I'm all caught up and Alan is busy getting the house ready and has put together Chads bouncer, swing, stroller and car seat. I have the baby bag packed for the hospital but I still need to take care of mine. I just cant figure out exactly what I'll want there besides my phone charger and camera! :) Hopefully he decides to come sooner than later! We cant wait!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Cali Shower, Swollen Feet and a Hospital Visit

This past weekend, Alan and I made it out to Cali for our Baby Shower with friends and family. We had a great time celebrating with everyone. Thanks to all of you who could come out to support us and a HUGE thanks to my mom, sisters (and in laws) Sarah, Leah, Megan and Lindsay for all your hard work and effort in getting it all ready for me, it wouldn't have been such a fun time without all of you! (And hopefully Mom has caught up on her sleep now) :) Here are just a couple of pictures:
Cupcakes! Yum!
Alan and his girls, Jessi and Brianna
Natalie, Me, SusieSome of the guys

My mom always asks me occasionally if my feet and legs are swelling, and I keep saying I haven't noticed anything. Well, of course, while we are in CA my feet and legs swell up and my mom points it out to me and since then every single day my feet and ankles have been huge by the end of the day! Bring on the 12 hours Clinicals! Oh the joys of the 9th month...
Yesterday I woke up with alot of pains in my tummy, it didn't feel like contractions, but they continued all day until Alan and I decided I should probably get checked out, to hospital we went! I though I had ate something bad and my tummy was upset, but I wanted to be sure baby was okay. After getting the monitors put on, apparently I was having some contractions, just little ones, and some cramping. So after getting some meds to relax my tummy, I was on my way home. This little guy is going to make a surprise appearance, I just know it! Nothing goes as planned especially if he has a personality like his daddy :)