Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Just an update, Abby FINALLY did birth, 7 pups at my parents house in Cali. Our original plan was she would have the puppies here and Leah would take care of them, but Abby decided it wasn't time so she got to come along to Cali, which meant driving her and 7 pups back to AZ after the weekend. We came home Friday night from the mall with my parents and she had already had 2 pups so Alan and I stayed up till 3am helping her with the rest! Saturday we had a wedding. Our friends Danita and Joe got married and it was a beautiful wedding. They got married in Redondo Beach overlooking the ocean. Danita looked gorgeous. It was nice to see all our friends from home and high school. Sunday we drove home from a nice relaxing weekend with my parents (minus Abby's excitement) to wake up to my last test Monday morning. Just the final to go and Block 2 is over! Cant wait!

Picture Tag!

It's a "PICTURE TAG" and this is how it goes. Go to your pictures and go to the 5th folder. Then open up the 5th picture and post it. Then tag 5 people when you are done. Have fun!

I was tagged by Lindsay! Here is my picture: Its Brianna and Cole...WOW! They have grown!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Waiting Game

So I don't know if I've mentioned that Abby (Our Lab) is pregnant again. I know your thinking "Seriously?" but this time was PURE accident, we were so careful at not letting them together and one morning Alan left for a church activity and had them separated and I woke up to them together, so apparently that's all it took, go figure. :) So I've now managed to talk Alan into fixing Abby after this litter so we don't have this "accident" again. She is now 58 days, last litter came on day 59 so we are waiting for her to pop anytime. Not only that, but this weekend we are headed to Cali for a good friends wedding and put my poor sister Leah (who is not really a huge fan of animals) in charge. Thanks Leah :) We love you! I'll post pictures when she finally has them, I bet we have over 8 this time! She is HUGE! Anyone want a puppy?